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Pascal Wehrlein, Porsche, 1st position, celebrates on arrival in Parc Ferme

How Porsche won, lost and won in Misano Formula E mayhem

Porsche's weekend of highs and lows was a microcosm of Formula E's eventful first visit to Misano. Nissan driver Oliver Rowland was the beneficiary when Antonio Felix da Costa was controversially excluded from victory in the opening Misano race, before Rowland's final lap energy strife in race two allowed Pascal Wehrlein to become the year's first two-time winner

The picturesque rolling hills and tranquil seaside resort atmosphere in which the Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli is located could not have conflicted more with the chaotic on-track action that Formula E provided on its first visit to the region. A post-race disqualification for the opening race winner five hours after the chequered flag, another driver losing a seemingly certain win on the final lap in the sequel and a frenetic, even manic, style of racing that divided opinion – the Misano E-Prix double-header had it all.

After seven races and approaching the halfway point of the campaign, Pascal Wehrlein became the first driver this season to claim two victories and with it, just hold onto the lead of the championship standings on countback. But the Porsche driver’s outright success in the second of the weekend’s two races had looked incredibly unlikely as the contest entered the 26th and final lap, with Wehrlein some 1.4 seconds behind race leader Oliver Rowland.

Previous article Wehrlein: Trusting Porsche's strategy "right call" for Formula E Misano win

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