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Charles Leclerc, Ferrari SF-24
Special feature

What's been going wrong for Leclerc in F1's tiny margins qualifying game

OPINION: Formula 1 teams and drivers are typically reluctant to divulge any information that may hand competitors an edge, particularly in the ‘dark art’ of tyre treatment. Here we examine what exactly they’re trying to achieve and how a previous qualifying star seems to have lost his way in this important but unsexy element of grand prix weekends

“We have to wait and see until we get to other tracks to find out.”

There’s a horribly familiar refrain amongst Formula 1 team bosses and drivers during the initial phase of any season: how they can’t possibly comment on the specifics of their new packages due to the rigidity of restricted pre-season testing had that the first rounds these days are ‘outliers’ and only time will provide the full picture. Max Verstappen uttered the above during pre-season testing in Bahrain.

Tiresome, predictable – utterly understandable in a world where concealment is very much part of the game.

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